Sunday, November 16, 2008

Piazza Armerina is a town in the center of Sicily. It is famous for the Roman villa belonging to the governor of the island built in the 3rd. century a.C., with noteworthy stone mosaic floors. The most famous are "The girls in bikini"

Here is a detail of the girls playing ball.

And this one is undoubtedly a winner!

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Here is a girl dancing to the rythm of a tambourine

And this girl is training with weights

Here comes the arbiter with the prizes

As for this girl... I don't know what she has in her hand. I suppose it's a kind of wheel to do exercises.
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The Big Hunt

Thsi is the Big Hunt scene

Here's teh Emperor protected by two soldiers

And here the soldiers captured a rhinoceros.
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The Big Hunt II

Here you see the soldiers pursuing the animals and bringing them to a ship to send tehm to Rome. There, they would be kept for the Collosseum fights.

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The cuadrigae race

Here are the mosaics of another room depicting a cuadriga race

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The cuadrigae race II

The musicians anounce the end of the race blowing their trumpets.

And here comes the winner! Seems incredible, but one can notice the different, proud attitude of the horses.

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The little Cupids fishing